As some of you already know, I took a letterpress course this past weekend at the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts, and I've come away thoroughly enamored. I've even begun the frustrating and arduous search for my own platen press (oh, if only a Vandercook were even remotely realistic...) I thought it would be lovely, once I get one, once I get the swing of it, if we put together broadsides of our own poems, maybe had them at those readings we talk about having one day...
I look forward to Friday's field trip to Crystal Caves. Don't forget to bring a cave poem! I have to remember which one of those poetry books I found mine in... this one book a day thing has been a bit interesting, mostly ridiculous as I try to keep up with everything else, but good for me in that I've discovered new voices, and now I have a stack of books I'd like to pass along to you all--books I know I won't re-read or revisit, and you can then feel free to pass them along also.